As a child I always asked my parents if we could go to a fast food restaurant, the Quick or the MC Donalds.
Now when I'm older I still go to fast food restaurants but deep down in my heart I know it's not healthy and especially not when it comes to losing weight.
But fastfood has become a way for some people, in fact I do not know a country or big city where they have no Mc Donalds restaurant.
Personally I believe a lot of people enjoy the meal in these kinds of restaurants because it's very fat, sweet and let's face it, it gives you a feeling of being satisfied.
Or perhaps you are one of the people who don't have much time and looking for a fast and cheap meal.
But before I will sum up the unhealthy things there are some healthy resources in a sandwich from the Mc Donalds (or Quick if your prefer it). Well in fact it's only the vegetables (mostly salad or tomatoes and I have to disappoint you but there it ends.
Perhaps you have always heard that cheese is always made of milk but this is not true.
In fast food restaurants they use cheese made from oil.
That is the reason why cheese in a fast food restaurant looks orange and oily.
Most clients will ask a hamburger made of cow meat but why don't you ask a chicken burger or sandwich.
In general chicken items will be much lower in fat. Of course you can use turkey as well.
I think the item with the most fat in it is the mayonnaise. Ask a burger without mayonnaise if you find out that your burger is to dry add mustard on it. It contains less fat than mayo.
I am a big fan of French fries they are easy to make and other people love them as well.
But when it becomes to your weight loss battle than French fries are your enemies.
Eating French fries from time of time will not hurt your body, but when it becomes a habit to eat it more than you have to do something about it.
Some other tips.
- Stay away from the sandwiches that are deep fried.
- Cola or diet cola, there is not much different play safe and ask water or coffee.
- If you don't like the boring taste of water ask if you can get a lemon.
- Try a meatless burger and see if you like it.
After reading this article about weight loss danger and fast food I hope you will keep this in mind next time you go to a fast food restaurant. There is nothing wrong with visiting these kinds of restaurants from time to time but just don't overdo it.
Frederik writes about weight loss
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/523352