When you begin your personal weight loss plan whatever you are doing you become more observant. This observation is a key to your success in your personal weight loss plan. You first pay attention to yourself. You pay attention to what you eat, your exercise program, the nutritional supplements you are using and especially the results you are or are not getting. Many people weigh themselves everyday in hopes of seeing the results of their hard work day by day. I want to caution against checking your weight daily even though it is natural. To constantly weigh yourself is not good. Often we anticipate daily weight loss and there definitely will be fluctuation. If choose to weigh yourself, do so once a week on the same day and at the same time of day. But the reason for this article is observation. Not observation of what I am doing, though that is important to stay on task. Observation as to what everyone else is doing. Are there people living healthy lifestyles. Does anyone else have a personal weight loss plan? Am I out here doing this all alone?
I find myself paying attention to the world around me and saying to myself, man they should be doing what I am doing. look at all the food on their plate. See all the salt they are adding to that meal. That's too much creamy dressing on that salad and they do not have the right kind of vegetables on it to be healthy. These thoughts and more are only natural and they are a part of our judgmental nature. Everyone does not have a problem judging others, some people are empathetic. That is what I really see.
My Observations.
Sunday was a great day in our house. We officially became Empty Nester's as the last of the prodigy graduated from high school. So my observant antenna went up as we were at the venue with about 4,000 friends, family, students and faculty to celebrate this great right of passage. Our baby was graduating! Sure the memories were flowing. The childhood triumphs and challenges. The health problems that God brought us through. The many band events, PTA meetings, teacher conferences, football, basketball, math club meetings and games. Sure they all passed through my mind. The thing that stuck though was how obese the crowd was. I say this with great empathy, not being critical or cynical but I began to worry about our society. I would look at someone and not care the that short dress was just too tight and she should not be in it. But, I worried that, thinking she was a heart attack waiting to happen. I looked at the crowd and saw cancer, diabetes, heart disease and so many medical problems because most people in the crowd did not live a healthy lifestyle.
I could tell there were very few people with a personal weight loss plan and in my heart i wanted to share what i was doing with so many people there. Unfortunately, the world does not care. People take their health for granted until there is a problem. Our society promotes a unhealthy lifestyle. There are overwhelming temptation and very little motivation to eat healthy and exercise. Yet we wonder why the health care system is failing. If we treated our cars the way we treat our bodies very few people would have cars to drive. But I use these observations as motivational reminders. I am reminded what my weight loss goals are. I am reminded why I want to lose weight. I am reminded to stay focused on the task at hand.
So I can only say wake up world. We are killing ourselves. God gave us a special diet that would keep us in optimal health. Yet we choose to destroy our temples. Wake up and get on a path to health and fitness. Develop your own personal weight loss plan and begin to live a healthy lifestyle we were meant to live.
I pray for you daily.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2381227