The purpose of this article is to give seniors and caregivers lifestyle advice that can create a positive impact. With baby-boomer closing in on retirement there are more and more seniors on the web every day. Health Medical Supplies is all about improving your life or a loved one's life in the later years by giving comprehensive advise about health and medical supplies. In this article I just want to discuss the importance of staying active and independent for as long as possible. In my experience as a life and health insurance agent I have gone on thousands of in home appointments with seniors and I have seen everything.
I have also worked with seniors in thirteen different states, so when I say I've seen everything I mean literally everything, and if I haven't seen, I've heard it from my co-workers. So if I had to give one piece of advise from my experience it would be "take care of your body and it will take care of you". The healthiest seniors Ive met were always active ones, mentally and physically. I'm not saying you have to be Jack Lalanne, just try to be active is all I'm saying. Get out and walk once in a while, take the stairs, sign up for a water exercise class. Always consult your doctor before making these sort of changes to your life.
It's amazing how big the diet industry, everyone wants to find the magical pill they can take that makes the fat melt away. So now I'm going to pass along a secret, a secret that you can use to help you lose weight that is guaranteed to work, are you ready, here it is - Diet & Exercise really work!! - whew. Glad I got that out there. When you exercise and watch what your eating you have more energy, when you have more energy you feel better, when you feel better you have less stress, etc. Its a heck of a cycle, but again it works. So what does medical supplies have to do with staying health and independent?
I will go over one of my favorites: Hot/Cold Water Therapy system is a machine that you fill up with water and then it has a tube connected to a wrap. You take the wrap and wrap it around your leg or back or hands or wherever you have pain, swelling, poor circulation, etc. You turn the machine on and it pumps hot or cold water through the wrap increasing you blood flow and reducing any pain or inflammation that you are experiences. I luckily have access to this machine so I use it my self. I like to do 15 minutes of hot water and then 15 minutes of cold water therapy until I'm satisfied. So if you have Medicare you can get one of these for nothing. So hopefully I have helped someone out today and then maybe I'll help out another person tomorrow or next week with this article. I just know that I can reach so many more people online. So that's it hope you enjoyed and have a great day!
My name is Michael Maryott and I have been working with seniors for about 10 years now. I mainly helped lower income seniors out with the low income programs like; Extra Help, state pharmaceutical programs, Meals on wheels, different local and state transportation programs and many others. I have now hit the net and am helping seniors get low and no cost medical supplies all over the US. Our main company Allstate Medical Supplies [http://allstatemedicalsupplies.com/] We Site is a medical supply store in Manchester, NJ that helps seniors in need get no cost medical supplies. We work with a grant program that covers seniors that qualify. Health Medical Supplies [http://healthmedicalsupplies.org/] Blog is my blog where I address many topics like senior health & safety management, different diets and exercises, and medical supplies. We will also be posting real life stories from caregivers and seniors.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3981823