Most of us start a weight loss and wellness plan with the best intentions. We take on even the best weight loss plans with a full head of steam. Committed, informed and prepared we stick to our plan calorie for calorie- exercise for exercise. But, for some of us, the unthinkable happens- we don't lose weight. Or if we do, the few pounds here and there seems like a small victory compared to blood, sweat and tears poured into our efforts.
Too little for too long
Weight gain over the years is a gradual process. It starts for many after childbirth. Ask any mom, things never seem quite right after childbirth! Most of us never seem to lose all of the baby weight. From there on in it seems like weight starts to accumulate- and it keeps adding on and adding on. This process can go on for months, years even decades for some. What many of us don't notice during that time is not only are we not bikini material but our health status has started to decline. We have depleted our bodies of many nutritional stores, deprived ourselves of the right balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals and of course polluted our bodies with processed fats, artificial colorings and tons of refined sugars and wheat products. What this means is we may notice our cholesterol creeping up, our hair and nails becoming brittle, fatigue sets in even though we sleep 9-10 hours per night and of course stress, anxiety and depression seem like recurring themes. One of the results of these years of poor food control and little exercise is many of our organs responsible for hormonal control and digestion are nutritionally starved. Most noted would be the thyroid.
Director of the band slows things down
The thyroid is directly involved in controlling our metabolism. It communicates with several major organs using hormones and directs many of the processes involved in metabolism. It works closely with the thyroid, liver, adrenals, hypothalmus and small intestine. In most cases, blood test for the thyroid will be within limits. But, we still may have many symptoms pointing to the thyroid being a little sluggish- the two major symptoms being fatigue and difficult weight loss. Most researchers call this situation of normal blood work but definite symptoms Thyroid Syndrome or part of Metabolic Syndrome. That just simply means it is not all in our heads!!!
Feed your thyroid and lose weight
Many great weight loss plans are loaded with foods that will nourish the thyroid. Omega 3 fatty acids, iodine rich foods, foods with zinc, copper and magnesium as well as foods rich in antioxidants will give the thyroid many of the nutrients it needs. Foods that should be included are salmon, tuna, fish, beets, radish, sweet potato, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, broccoli, cauliflower, berries, flax and honey. There are several key herbs that are used to support the thyroid. Ashwaganda, bacopa, licorice root and bladderwack are the most common and readily available herbs to help support and improve thyroid function.
Keep working toward your goals - you will achieve success!
Christa Krzeminski, DC, FIAMA
Owner and operator of a weight loss and holistic medical center
Creator of the successful teen weight loss plan "Kids That Lose Win" and South Florida's popular "The Good Choice Diet"
We are not just a weight loss plan but your road to the ultimate makeover
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